Enlightenment offers greater levels of awareness and experience!!! In her book Transcendent Sex: Dr. Jenny Wade offers her research results after studying individual accounts of their sexual encounters.
How do yOUR experiences stack up?
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The commitment to consciously engage in a crucible, Committed Enlightened Sexual Relationship and/or spiritual community must arise from a platform of psychology and philosophy that forever moves to serve and incorporate the subtle structures of greater and greater wholes WITHOUT DESTROYING THE PREVIOUS SUBSTRATE (verticle development). This task requires commitment horizontally and vertically. This is not about producing the next episode of Wife Swap or reproduction of the next generation. The goal is to commit to anchoring the Twin Flame bond both vertically and horizontally. When you are engaged in a couples’ tennis tournament it does not serve to switch partners in the middle of play. Subtle bonds are engaged, the WORK is to reel in the Chain of Being of the combined monads; to birth the Cosmic Egg. Here one earns the wages of immortality! Also, we as incarnated beings create correspondences within and without, As Above, So Below; our internal astrological charts so to speak, reflect the outer ones. Engaging in this subtle engine of manifestation will gain our species much knowledge…
As one begins to subrate into The Great Self, to understand and utilize the principles and underlying laws of greater domains, the truth of the experience of non-dual self, the purity of the Level of Mind becomes self-evident. “Since the various levels of consciousness are the products of Maya or dualism, then they must exist only in an illusory fashion, with the REALTIY of each level remaining always as Mind, Brahman, and Chitta.1 Also, as one begins to experience the Great Self, one begins to realize that it can never be thought about. It just is. Suzuki put it simply: “As Reality is beyond all forms of dualism, in it there are no contrasts, and so no characterization of it is possible.”2
Consequently the ultimate stage of growth is beyond description. It can only be experienced. Words point the finger of knowing. Only one who has stabilized this state can recognize it in another. Ultimately, creating dual consciousness becomes a choice, a habit of ignorance. One must be taught to direct awareness and choose for something different-conscious evolution. Ken Wilber expounds this truism by stating:
“The creation of the dualism of life vs. death is simultaneously the creation of time – for in the timelessness of the eternal Mind there is neither birth nor death, beginning nor end, past nor future, which is why Schrödinger could state, ‘I venture to call it [Mind] indestructible since it has a peculiar time-table, namely Mind is always NOW. There is really no before and after for Mind.’ And Norman O. Brown concludes, ‘Thus we arrive at the idea that life and death are in some sort of unity at the organic level, that at the human level they are separated into conflicting opposites. The consequence of the disruption of the unity of Life and Death in man is to make man the historical animal.’ In other words, birth and death, past and future are one in the eternal NOW, so that in separating birth from death a person necessarily separates past from future, and so consequently is thrown out of the timeless NOW and into historical time. And, that is the Existential Level: individuals identified exclusively with the organism, as it exists in space and time. We might also mention that since this primary dualism separates the seer from the seen, the subject from the object, it simultaneously creates space.3
This understanding differentiates Mind from Brain with awareness becoming immersed in MIND. MSI stated:
“Beyond form, beyond thought, beyond concepts of being or non- being, our individual consciousness plunges into the fathomless sea of the clear light of the Ascendant, becoming the ONE. As we integrate this ultimate experience, we begin to identify with the whole living being through its myriad parts. The individual body-mind recognizes that it is a conscious hologram of the entire UNIVERSE. This is the doorway to immortality, for the individual has become the incarnate expression of ALL-THAT-IS. A life of service and cooperation with cosmic forces begins and continues Forever.”4
Here one learns the truth of Thy Will and the illusory notion of free will. Freedom is not Free!!! Trust, surrender and engagement with higher frequencies, teaches one the meaning of Cosmic Forces. As the Subration process moves one into the experience of ALL-IS-ONE, personal will is subsumed. The domain of personal will is subsumed to the experience of surrender to the ALL. This is the grace and power of Leshavidya and Subration’s most subtle teaching.
Don Antonio, an Inca Shaman, said that it is,
“Interesting how all assume that time flows in one direction only, that the end of time is something that will happen when we run out of minutes and seconds. Stepping outside of time is a process. By learning to step into that sacred self that never left the Garden of Eden, we learn to step into Eternity! A new human, Homo luminus, is being born this very instant on our planet. He believed that evolution happens within generations, not in between generations, as biology believes. This means WE are that “new human” that new species. We are the ones that we have been waiting for! Our question no longer is can we make a quantum leap into who we are becoming, but rather dare we do so?”5
Historically there have been explorers who have challenged the consensus reality of their time. Christopher Columbus challenged the accepted belief “Earth is flat”. The Wright Brothers challenged the accepted belief “If Man were meant to fly, we would have wings.” These explorers discovered new territory and challenged their own and others generally accepted limitations.
Are we Immortals?
“Today the pendulum of Life hangs taut in Geburah, ready to swing slowly back to the cohesiveness of Chesed in the Pillar of Mercy, or to go off into total chaos. The Qabalistic concept of veils which conceal the truth, teaches us to always look behind the appearance, and even behind the appearance of the appearance for the real reasons for such events.6 Or do we as a collective evolve beyond the paradigm of WAR to resolve our differences. Do WE learn to consciously evolve? My Teacher is fond of saying “Choices become more important not less, as ONE evolves further and further.” The Great Teachers all point to Calvary as the road the personal ego must take. Jesus said, “If thine eye be single (one-pointed), thy whole body shall be full of light.7 He also stated one must ‘Let the dead bury their dead. Follow thou Me.’ Everlasting Life, Immortality, Enlightenment are realizable truths! MSI said, “Come unite, children of Light and Truth and Joy, and we will transform the Earth in one generation into Paradise, into the Garden of Eden. We stand on the threshold of a new age, an age prophesied in all parts of the world for thousands of years.”8 The Tibetan blessing says, “May you be reborn in a land where the dharma is taught.” And also, “May you live in interesting times.”
Tamasoma Jyothir Gamaya
Mrityorma Umritam Gamaya
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shantihi
“Lead us from unreality to reality
From darkness to light
From death to immortality
Om Peace, Peace, Peace.”9
Are we able and ready to become transformed? The Art of Subration is a simple process once one understands the basic principles of operation. The growth of consciousness is the same throughout the spectrum of consciousness. Although it is simple, it is not easy! In the movie “What the Bleep Do We Know” (2004) Ramtha beseeches viewers to learn to dream. Dreaming is a state of consciousness, a frequency of awareness. There are higher states of consciousness beyond dreaming. The dreams have been dreamt, the songs have been sung. The time has come for the work to be done! WORK to subrate into more of the surround, in every greater NOW; WORK to remove the veils of separation. The abomination of horizontal integration must be usurped – as depicted in the movie, Skeleton Key (2005). Works of divine union contained by Jacob’s ladder yield wages of immortality. There have been warriors for land, warriors for oil, warriors for various dogmas, Where are the Warriors for Peace? There is a level of impassioned engagement, a warrior-ship of practice needed to earn the entrance into the Pearly Gates. If you have gained the blessing of a Precious Human Birth you are on the Stairway to Heaven. Most of the esoteric teachings agree there are seven Lokas or regions of habitation and seven Hell Realms. They are enfolded and unfolding. Whether you work up the down staircase consciously or down the up staircase (un)consciously, is a choice. You have gained entrance to the staircase by earning this Precious Human Birth. The movie Fallen (1998) with Denzel Washington clearly depicts what conscious engagement may look like when working up the down staircase. The movie Constantine (2005) with Keanu Reeves depicts more subtle interactions. This production very clearly depicts the truth of what being baptized should accomplish for one's awareness; the imagery clearly reveals the understanding of what it is to have ones’ awareness reborn. The movie Ghost with Demi Moore, Patrick Swazy and Whoopi Goldberg is another movie which fleshes out many deep truths. As a Shaman may touch your forehead; seek the true Pot of Gold beyond the Rainbow Bridge. This discourse has offered a concise overview of the process of evolution of our species growth of consciousness. Modern psychology overlooks the deeper interactions of soul growth. Historically, leaps of growth have been mislabeled and feared. By identifying the goals of consciousness and understanding the terrain to be traversed one can more easily attain the outcome! Also, the discussion of the process of Subration and the ground one may encounter during the process makes one's personal journey less treacherous. And by outlining the skills of translation needed to traverse the territory one is better informed and more likely to succeed. Ultimately, as one grows to encounter gap consciousness and other phenomena which I observed during my journey, we as a species can evolve into an Enlightened Species-Homo luminus!
Are we ready to mature? Can we as a collective step into the Solar Path? What is the highest order covenant our species has within nature?
This writing was Dedicated,
In the Hour of an Ecliptic Full Moon, 09/07/06
May the Force of this Celestial Balance,
Guide our Future Creations.
Ashoka Aurora Ishaya.
1) Wilber, Ken. PSYCHOLOGIA PERENNIS. The Collected Works of Ken Wilber. Boston: Shambhala. 1999. P. 9. 2) Suzuki. ESSAYS IN ZEN BUDDHISM. Third Series. P.
3) Wilber, Ken. PSYCHOLOGIA PERENNIS. The Collected Works of Ken Wilber. Boston: Shambhala. 1999. P. 10. 4) MSI. ENLIGHTENMENT: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali – A New Translation and Commentary. Waynesville, NC: SFA Publications. 1995. P. 232. 5) Villoldo, Alberto. SHAMAN, HEALER, SAGE: How to Heal Yourself and Others with the Energy Medicine of the Americas. New York: Harmony Books. 2000. P. 238. 6) LaDage, Alta. (1978). Occult Psychology: A Comparison of Jungian Psychology and the Modern Qabalah. Saint Paul: Llewellyn Publications. P. 50. 7) Matthew 6:22. HOLY BIBLE. King James Version. New York: Oxford University Press. 1948. P. 1232. 8) MSI. (1991). Ascension: An Analysis of the Art of Ascension as Taught by the Ishayas. Waynesville, NC: SFA Publications. P. 41. 9) Ashley-Farrand, Thomas. (1999). Healing Mantras: Using Sound Affirmations for Personal Power, Creativity, and Healing. New York: The Ballantine Publishing Group. P.175.
Blessings Be,
Ashoka Aurora Ishaya