Bliss Consciousness and the Addictive Response
“Sat-Chit-Ananda is a triple consciousness. Sat is existence, Chit is consciousness and Ananda is bliss; Sat-Chit-Ananda is the triple consciousness on the highest plane, and that plane is for the absolutely chosen few. To reach Sat-Chit-Ananda is a most difficult thing. Hardly twenty or thirty Masters have reached it and stayed at that plane, and hardly one or two can embody it. Some Masters have reached that plane and immediately came down because it was too high for them. It is much easier for people to reach the illumined mind or the Supermind, but Sat-Chit-Ananda is absolutely the highest. That consciousness is almost impossible to attain, even for the spiritual Masters.” (
Why is this state of Being so impossible to attain? Is it impossible? Does it require a guide, Sherpa? Well, in my experience it is because the higher (some would say altered) chemistry, generated by heightened alchemical processes, causes many challenges. It has been my experience and learning that each successive fulcrum of attainment has its own characteristic challenges.
Do you ask yourself in our Modern Age why IS there so much ADDICTION? What is creating this pervasive response pattern? Is there a higher goal that is being shrouded by these side-ways attempts to attain higher ground? Are these neuronal pathways, chemical highways naturally present in our nervous systems?
We have become tolerant of drunken states in our Modern Consumptive Western Society. Spirits manufactured to create an altered state, consumed to attain Nirvana quickly. Yet, all too quickly evaporates from our daily experience.
Sexual addiction that generates altered states that in turn, create an altered heightened state.
Street drugs that actively generate altered states and consumed by the BILLIONS!!!
Why are we as a Society motivated to create this addictive response pattern? Is there a higher goal that is being shrouded by these side-ways attempts to attain higher ground?
“Saccidānanda, Satchidananda, or Sat-cit-ānanda is a compound of three Sanskrit words, Sat, Cit, And Ananda (the ā is of longer vocal length), meaning truth, consciousness, and bliss respectively.The expression comes from Hinduism and is used in yoga and other schools of Indian Philosophy to describe the nature of Brahman as experienced by a fully liberated yogi or saint. As it is maintained that this experience is one of unification, the three phenomenologically distinct concepts are nonetheless regarded as representing the unity of the ultimate reality. Saccidānanda may be understood as the energetic state of non-duality, a manifestation of our spiritually natural, primordial and authentic state.” (
Blessings Be,
Ashoka Aurora Ishaya
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