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Thursday, January 6, 2011

This Land is Made for You and Me….Is this Land Immortal Land?????

This Land is Made for You and Me….Is this Land Immortal Land?????
As consciousness evolves so to must our civilization!!! Nikolai Kardashev, a Russian astronomer classified civilizations into three levels: Type I, Type II and Type III.  The key characteristic separating each type of civilization is the amount of energy they consume and the source of their energy. The difference in energy consumption between each type of civilization is roughly ten billion times the previous level (greater than) and he states can be “bridged” in relatively short periods of time…once the engine of subtle energy is engaged, understood and utilized by society. Kardashev describes the first level of progress as Type I civilizations. Their defining characteristic is that they will have harnessed the powers of nature and draw their energy from the planet itself! Using ocean, wind, and deep-earth technologies, they will have transcended the limitations of fossil fuels, as well as the risks and dangers of nuclear-powered economies. The vast supplies of energy available to a Type I civilization eliminate the need for competition and WAR over limited fuel sources. At the same time, their technology makes the energy for the basic necessities of life widely available to larger numbers of people. [In The Rocky Mountain Institute’s recent book, Winning the Oil Endgame, Lovins, Datta and Bustners addresses how this evolution may take place.]
        Type II civilizations are characterized by their ability to reach beyond their immediate planet and draw their energy from the nearest sun. Having achieved lengthy life spans, the energy requirements of Type II civilizations will eventually force them to look beyond their planet for new and limitless supplies of energy. Harnessing the energy of their sun will involve technologies more sophisticated than passively collecting the sun’s rays in ways we do today.
        The most sophisticated advances described in Kardashev’s classification scheme are those of the Type III civilizations. Having advanced beyond the kind of energy harnessed by their local sun, a type III civilization will expand its search for energy to other stars, and perhaps even tap the fabric of the galaxy itself as it expands into a galactic civilization.  Both life and civilization would be immortal, having outgrown the limitations of “natural” deterioration and the possibility that “chance” phenomena could destroy them.
        Kardashev further states that each successive civilization Type II and Type III is more sophisticated than the previous. The crucical point to understand is in the beginning of the 21st Century, we are classified as a Type 0 (ZERO) civilization!!! Our present level of civilization still relies on limited supplies of fossil fuels, whose use only threatens our environment. This creates competition for ownership of our world’s fuels and separation into the “haves” and the “have-nots.” Also, it defines our consciousness by the inability to pool our collective knowledge into wisdom that benefits the species as a WHOLE!” (Paraphrased from Gregg Braden’s God Code – 2004).
        For those dedicated to the goal of evolving civilization, i.e. establishing immortality, households will need to be established.  It is in the sharing that the resonance is INCREASED. Also, Alfie Kohn’s research (No Contest the Case Against Competition) revealed “The amount of competition in any environment, the classroom, the workplace, the family, the playing field, is NONE…Competition is always destructive.” (Noetic Sciences Review, spring 1990)  Those interested in establishing a household (own a home) or interested in joining an existing household please connect/NETWORK THROUGH MY FACEBOOK PAGE ASHOKA ISHAYA.
Living in close knit units, crucibles of consciousness requires a conscious choice of dedication to a greater goal which serves more than personal needs. Ideally, each pod should consist of Six Couples, Six Men and Six Women. Twelve is an important configuration in our culture, there are twelve months in our calendar year, there are twelve Astrological signs in the Zodiac and in Pythagorean number science it is the number of governmental completion. Ultimately, Enlightened Society evolves beyond the need for governance. WHY??? BECAUSE WE HAVE GROWN TO LEARN HOW TO LIVE WITH EACH OTHER PEACABLY!!!!

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