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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Gnothi Seauton–Know Thyself

In some circles speaking of Thyself would indicate that one is only operating out of the Ego Self and that the Ethnocentric Self has yet to be developed or the World Centric Self is not even present. My intention in sharing my journey is to encourage others to walk the path of Self Knowledge. Specifically in regards to how this Alchemical journey is unfolding in my female body of late.

Most recently, as the O Soma Drop  has developed into a Running River of Bliss down my throat, feels like when you have a nose bleed but in this case it is not blood flowing down my throat. This flowing Nectar of Immortality has caused a new level of transformation in my digestive system. Months ago, I would feel the need to swallow occasionally to ease the passing of the fluid down my throat. Now I work to hold my throat open to allow for the fluid to just flow. Why do I add this practice to my regimen? Well with all the other body pains my neck/swallowing muscles were beginning to ache quite a bit. So, now I try NOT to swallow so much and just let it flow.

My understanding of this process is that the chemicals produced by my activated brain chemistry is now concentrating and activating the transformation of my digestive processes. What does that actually feel like in my body??? A burning sensation that at times reminds me of heart burn, a pretty severe case of it. The sensation begins in my stomach and flashes upward. I try to keep eating small portions of almonds, fruit and I found ginger chews aid to keep the accompanying nausea at bay as well. It gets really painful when my stomach is empty!!! Much worse in the morning after a night of drinking The Nectar of Immortality.

So, now in addition to my skull sutures aching, my ovaries pulsing at times, my breasts feeling like they are lactating, my thymus aching, my ears ringing for long periods of time every time a fire truck or police car drives by with it’s sirens wailing, my eyes burning when I read too long [which causes heat in my liver…] my stomach is feeling like someone built a campfire in it…literally!

YES, the joys and delights of Enlightenment. How do I love Thee, let me count the ways.

Supreme bliss comes to the Yogi whose mind is at Peace,
whose Passion has subsided and who is stainless and has become one with Brahman.
From the Jnaneswari text, Chapter 6, Verse 27 (
Ashoka Ishaya

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