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Saturday, January 29, 2011

How Much Does Depression Hurt?

How much Does Depre$$ion Hurt?

Do you ever wonder why so many folks are on anti-depression medication? How much are Americans, the World $pending on anti-depressants? WHY?
For me after I left spiritual community the experience of the Divine faded a bit. Ken Wilber describes this phase of development in his Transformations of Consciousness (1986), “Once the soul obtains a direct taste or experience of the Divine, with concomitant vision, ecstasy, or clarity, and that experience begins to fade (which it initially does), the soul may suffer a profound abandonment depression. The soul HAS SEEN its meaning in life, its daemon or destiny, only to have it fade – that is the Dark Night.”
It has taken patience and compassionate marching to my inner drummer to overcome this darkness. I left spiritual community in 2000. Haven’t been dealing with depression lately just lots of brain chemistry phenomena. Most recently, the addition of some very helpful supplements have aided my growth.  Dr. Daniel Amen has worked diligently to offer sane advice in the pages of his book: Change your Brain, Change your Body (2010). Yes, I know hard to imagine that I would recommend any useful knowledge could be found written by any Doctor educated within the Western Medical Model. For the most part it is my knowing there is little difference between the corner drug dealer and those holding prescription pads. Over the years, I have relied on Chinese Herbs and those trained in Chinese Medicine = Classical Chinese Medicine (not Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM) which does not separate the body and the mind. [CCM integrates the spiritual domain and TCM does not].
Personally,  found Amen’s advice for my particular brain type to be very helpful. The supplement 5-htp has definitely smoothed out the flux into a more flowing going. Also thought it would aid to relieve the pain in my adrenals. Just this past week I added PS – phosphatidylserine. [Specifically Puritan's Pride - Neuro PS Gold with added Vinpocetine and other brain food.] Amen also suggested PS as an aid to relieving adrenal fatigue and supporting the growth of cell membranes, specifically neuronal networks. Thought that would be an added aid to relief in most of my more painful glands =reproductive and immune. (They only hurt when I breath.)  The added supplement certainly has aided the growth of my brain chemistry. I had been seeing in Technicolor off and on at different times over the last few months. Refer to them as Yellow Submarine days. Yous guys remember seeing the movie featuring The Beatles' Songs way back when? Filled with wild colors and hues of many more, psychedelic was the label then. Saw it as a kid! These days more and more I have been living that reality. More specifically after I have added the PS. Wow, been a bit fun and funny.  But the side effects of more skull pain of growth off-sets the Beauty – a bit. More oily hair days from oiling my scalp. Paradox in motion = feeling drugged out, seeing more colors than a 64 box of Crayons could ever imagine to hold and yet more glands hurt in more ways every day.   Analyze This response pattern Sir/Madam prescription pad holder!
Enlightenment = More color-filled living. Learning to live with all this brain chemistry activation makes for interesting times. Been running into door jambs more than I like to admit. Seems my feeling of wideness affects my depth perception. Never a dull moment. They are getting brighter every day! Two days ago, after a yoga class, hot tub time and swim I had GOLD hours, literally. Reminded me of the final scenes in Matrix III, when Keanu Reeves was seeing with the blindfold on – through his inner sight. NOW, those were some supreme sights. It faded after a few hours.
Here’s wishing Ya’ll Golden Moments, may the petals of your Mind Blossom and the Bluebird of Happiness fly up your nose instead of white powder. The real deal is much more long-lasting…Everlasting??? Course ya got to do the work to get the Fountain of Youth to flow....Ascension anyone? Pass the the Tipping Point!
Onward and Upward
Ashoka Aurora Ishaya
Psssst…fellow Ishayas yous guys experiencing this stuff? Write me a comment, please and thank you. Got folks reading, but not sharing….

Thursday, January 27, 2011

IS yOUR Mental Health Care just a Marketing Scheme?

IS yOUR Mental Health Care just a Marketing Scheme???
“Psychiatrists collect more drug company money than physicians in any other specialties. Times reporters’ findings, discovered Minnesota’s last eight presidents of the Minnesota Psychiatric Society took money from drug-makers. Senator Chuck Grassley, a well known watchdog of the pharmaceutical industry, on the floor of the Senate said, “I am going to report on the actions of one physician to explain how industry payments to medical experts can affect medical practice.” DelBello had been commissioned by AstraZeneca to do a study on the use of their antipsychotic Seroquel, when the results were positive for the drug, the company hired her to give lectures about the treatment. AstraZeneca paid DelBello $100,000 in 2003 and $80,000 in 2004 for various consulting or speaking gigs. And this $180,000 was only income from one drug company; DelBello had also worked with seven other companies. And to add injury to insult, one Doctor witch told reporters he had been convinced to prescribe antipsychotics to children in part because he had attended lectures by a researcher named DelBello. Many of his patients were children who were diagnosed with bipolar disorder, witch is a controversial diagnosis in this age group. [Anybody read Indigo Children?]
The question is: Is Dr. X prescribing a drug because he got a consulting fee or money from a particular organization that’s connected with the production of that drug?  Does the public have the right to know whether the physician has a possible interest in PUSHING one drug versus the other because of some financial arrangement? “If that information’s published you’re most likely going to have people act a little more ethically????”
Grassley’s investigation of Massachusetts General Hospital found three CHILD PSYCHIATRISTS –Biederman, Wilens, and Spencer – who had made $4.2 MILLION in combined personal income from drug companies over a seven-year period, but had only disclosed a small fraction to the university as required. Something more insidious was at work than profiteering on the growth of consciousness, those psychiatrists who received the MOST money from companies that marketed antipsychotic drugs like Risperdal wrote three times as many prescriptions of these drugs for children as other doctors.
The more crucial issue was the fact that these psychiatrists were ‘double-dipping,” because they were making millions as hired guns while at the same time receiving taxpayer money from NIH (National Institute of Health) to do publically funded research. NIH has a strict conflict-of-interest policy ….which states that publically funded researchers can only make $10,000 per year, and that these researchers fully disclose these arrangements to their university. NIH does not want this money to influence how you conduct and interpret your studies.
 [This blog paraphrased from Carlat’s: Unhinged: The Trouble with Psychiatry – A Doctor’s Revelations about a Profession in Crisis, 2010)
How many Millionaire Psychiatrists are there?
Are they just drug reps with an MD?
Last night after reading for an hour I started to feel really high, as in feeling expanded and loopy- drugged out.  The O Soma Drop dripped a couple of times and My eyes were dilated to the point I would not walk out of my apartment without my sunglasses on for fear of someone seeing their size and concluding I was taking street drugs. The sutures/seams in my skull were a bit on the hot side, so I oiled them as I do most nights. If I don’t oil them they will really, really hurt the next morning.
Any researchers want to do some real research? How about studying what the chemical composition is of these drops, dripping down my throat? You don't even have to take a blood sample????? How much TRUTH could there be in one little drop?
How many Millionaire Psychiatrists are there?
 Do they experience the O Soma Drop phenomenon?
Sincerely and Graciously,
Ashoka Aurora Ishaya

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Privatizing Money....Our one TRUE Global Commodity

Would it be possible to privatize the money supply in the United States completely?  In doing so, what would be the primary obstacle to overcome in implementing such a policy?

Thomas Jefferson was adamantly opposed to the idea of a privately owned federal bank and said " I sincerely believe the banking institutions having the issuing power of money are more dangerous to liberty than standing armies".
Thomas Jefferson also stated, "The central bank is an institution of the most deadly hostility existing against the principles and form of our constitution. I am an enemy to all banks, discounting bills or notes for anything but coin. If the American people allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."
"Let me issue and control a nation's money, and I care not who writes its laws" ---Mayer Amschel Rothschild-
Historically, the United States has had three Federal Reserve Systems. The first two lasted about 20 years each and the last one has lasted now for almost 100 years. On December 23, 1913, Presdient Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act into law. This Act transferred control of the money supply of the United States from Congress as defined in the U.S. Constitution to the private banking elite. The Federal Reserve is a private cartel of bankers that has 12 branch banks.
“The Primary Owners of the Federal Reserve Bank Are:
1. Rothschild's of London and Berlin
2. Lazard Brothers of Paris
3. Israel Moses Seaf of Italy
4. Kuhn, Loeb & Co. of Germany and New York
5. Warburg & Company of Hamburg, Germany
6. Lehman Brothers of New York
7. Goldman, Sachs of New York
8. Rockefeller Brothers of New York
All the primary owners are branches of European establishments.  Foreigners, almost entirely Jewish, control the United States Money supply.  They literally own exclusive rights to the dollar and simply enter dollars into their banks books to make money which they then lend back to us at a profit.  For them money does not grow on trees, it is simply a data entry into their account. The owners of this bank have been responsible for instigating all the major wars and depressions in the last 100 years. There have been assassination attempts on every President who attempted to eliminate these private National Banks. Some credit these Banksters with the demise of JFK. The privately held Federal Reserve Bank has not once been audited and never pays any income tax on their astonishing income.” (, 2010)
The Federal Reserve act was not the only unconstitutional bill pushed through congress in 1913. The Sixteenth Amendment was also pushed through the same year, which gives Congress the power to collect taxes based on income, without regard to the States or the Census. The Federal Reserve System wherein every dollar created is an instrument of debt requires the collection of large sums of money from the people to pay off the interest.

How is money actually created? It's very simple.  “Someone walks over to a computer and types 160,000 beside your name.  With only $27.93 of cash reserves for every $10,000 of assets (as of June 1999) the bank has just created the remaining $159,553 of that interest-earning money out of thin air.  When, after 25 years of hard work, you pay off your mortgage, the $159,553 vanishes back into thin air.  Not so the interest however.” (, 2009). The interest gets compounded and is income to the Federal Reserve Banksters and it becomes a national debt if the borrower is the United States Government.

What is the primary obstacle in overcoming implementing this policy? It is the Blue Bloods who now own the keys to the bank vaults of our economic system. “There will never be world peace, there will never be economic stability, there will never be a free economy as long as these banksters control the worlds money supply. Their goal is to achieve a socialist (elitist, controlled) one world government - a "New World Order", as is printed in Latin on their $1 Note.” (, 2010)  In light of this knowledge of how our monetary system works, I sincerely think the road to paying off our national debt is to abolish the Federal Reserve Bankster system which would mean the privatization of our money supply.

Now the true question is are we on the road to a more equitable planetary system of economic exchange? We must not waste a good crisis; we are now in an international DEPRESSION. To achieve Peace on Earth, would it not actually mean integrating our complex monetary system into an international ONE-currency exchange system privatizing all currencies.  Thereby, eliminating the influence of ALL state oversight and allowing for the market itself to check and balance itself. The marketplace should be (in a true and just, Enlightened Society) the only true monetary system;  privatized interchange guided by the people AND for the people by their creativity, imagineering and entrepreneurial skills.
The idea is not all that radical. It started out that way. Can it come full circle, As it was in the beginning…If governments had let money alone it would have developed just like other goods did. It has been power and greed the shadow aspects of leadership which motivated societal leaders to shape our destiny.
Only when Enlightenment, the higher ethics and ideals of concern and service to Self as knowing no separation between I and ANY another shall the citizens of this planet know Freedom and responsibility for ourselves and our Brothers and Sisters. We have moved to a global communication network and an interdependent commercial system. The one knowing that concerned many leaders during this most recent downturn in the market was how one change rippled throughout the system. Can we deny the interdependence of our economic fronts any longer? Is it competition or cooperation that we need to master?
"As LEADERS shift their focus to customers/CITIZENS and quality, they realize that the old authoritarian leadership style does not work anymore. To achieve quality, service, and rapid response, leaders must utilize all available talent. They must find ways to inspire, involve, and empower employees and CITIZENS. They must create a work AND LIVING environment that encourages commitment, innovation, and cooperation. Instead of evaluating, leaders now coach. Instead of doing, they delegate. Instead of telling, they facilitate. No one is expected to boss anyone. Everyone is expected to participate." ~(Dr. Suzanne Willis Zoglio in The Participative Leader)
How does an integrated monetary system operate?  One where all parties are responsible to the whole and are required to participate and share goods and services in exchange for the opportunity to create life anew.  Knowing that if one fails we ALL fail to survive, thrive, and prosper.
Everlasting… Peace and Goodwill towards each other,
Blessings Be,
Ashoka Aurora Ishaya.

Retrieved from 12/06/10
Retrieved from 12/06/10
Zoglio Willis, Suzanne (2009) The Participative Leader. New Y

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bliss Consciousness and the Addictive Response

Bliss Consciousness and the Addictive Response
“Sat-Chit-Ananda is a triple consciousness. Sat is existence, Chit is consciousness and Ananda is bliss; Sat-Chit-Ananda is the triple consciousness on the highest plane, and that plane is for the absolutely chosen few. To reach Sat-Chit-Ananda is a most difficult thing. Hardly twenty or thirty Masters have reached it and stayed at that plane, and hardly one or two can embody it. Some Masters have reached that plane and immediately came down because it was too high for them. It is much easier for people to reach the illumined mind or the Supermind, but Sat-Chit-Ananda is absolutely the highest. That consciousness is almost impossible to attain, even for the spiritual Masters.” (
Why is this state of Being so impossible to attain? Is it impossible? Does it require a guide, Sherpa? Well, in my experience it is because the  higher (some would say altered) chemistry, generated by heightened alchemical processes, causes many challenges. It has been my experience and learning that each successive fulcrum of attainment has its own characteristic challenges.
 Do you ask yourself in our Modern Age why IS there so much ADDICTION? What is creating this pervasive response pattern?  Is there a higher goal that is being shrouded by these side-ways attempts to attain higher ground? Are these neuronal pathways, chemical highways naturally present in our nervous systems?
We have become tolerant of drunken states in our Modern Consumptive Western Society. Spirits manufactured to create an altered state, consumed to attain Nirvana quickly. Yet, all too quickly evaporates from our daily experience.
Sexual addiction that generates altered states that in turn, create an altered heightened state.
Street drugs that actively generate altered states and consumed by the BILLIONS!!!
Why are we as a Society motivated to create this addictive response pattern? Is there a higher goal that is being shrouded by these side-ways attempts to attain higher ground?
“Saccidānanda, Satchidananda, or Sat-cit-ānanda  is a compound of three Sanskrit words, Sat, Cit, And Ananda  (the ā is of longer vocal length), meaning truth, consciousness, and bliss respectively.The expression comes from Hinduism and is used in yoga and other schools of  Indian Philosophy to describe the nature of Brahman as experienced by a fully liberated yogi or saint. As it is maintained that this experience is one of unification, the three phenomenologically distinct concepts are nonetheless regarded as representing the unity of the ultimate reality. Saccidānanda may be understood as the energetic state of non-duality, a manifestation of our spiritually natural, primordial and authentic state.”  (

Blessings Be,
Ashoka Aurora Ishaya

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Goals of Consciousness

Goals of Consciousness: The Art of Subration

        What is the highest order covenant our species has within nature? It is a promise! This promise baits many questions which this treatise seeks to unravel: such as, what is the sacred contract of the Homo sapiens?  Are we as a species destined to be enlightened? What is the internal dynamic of this process of evolution?  What forces govern this process?  As a species, can we enter the arena of this process with grace and skill?  Looking at the kaleidoscope of our choices, it seems evident in the Western consumptive, dominator society, we have been acting out of the paradigm Katherine Hepburn so eloquently stated to Humphrey Bogart in The African Queen, “Nature, Mister Allnutt, is what we are put in this world to rise above.” The Art of Subration is the process which elucidates the goals of consciousness and outlines the translation skills necessary to grow through gap consciousness and further refines the final stages of Subration into Enlightenment as I have discovered by my personal journey.

        Historically, there have been many paths leading toward many different endpoints identified by whichever Saint or Guru was popular at that given time. Whichever tradition one observes, whatever the identified endpoint one is seeking, it matters not. For Subration is THE process an individual undergoes to achieve growth of consciousness to whatever endpoint your particular tradition identifies as Enlightenment.  Once the basic steps of growth are understood the process can be undertaken with much less confusion.
        In each age, man has developed tools to enable cultural evolution to continue.  The survival conditioning of man’s horizontal outward directed focus must be transformed. As one is born into the physical vehicle, the self must successfully cognize this horizontally outward mode of functioning. Those who fail to traverse this internal to external orientation are lost in their own reality. Depending on the severity of the inward focus most of these individuals are labeled autistic. Once the self has successfully completed this horizontal outward exploration, the awareness can be reconditioned, taught to contract inwardly to support more complex, abstract thinking. This horizontal inward directional mode is further supported first, by learning to read, and then by moving toward a more complex educational process.  Finally, as one learns to quiet the mind and integrate these two directional awarenesses through a true form of meditation, one again learns to explore new ground by directing the awareness inward and upward. This inward directional focus, pratyahara, “withdrawal” is a critical movement. Learning to withdraw the senses from the external world moves one to understand the sense-impressions that arise from external stimulation are created by reverberations within your personal domain. Vertically Inward is the direction an evolving consciousness must grow. The highest up is the deepest in; the dimensions are nested and interpenetrating.
        Psychology is the science of the mind. Psyche is a Greek word and its German translation is ‘soul’. Without a psyche there can be no Psychology. Psychology, as the study of the psyche, originally meant study of the soul. “In the Hindu tradition, the term psyche has replaced Soul as the link between spirit and matter. When the psyche is raw, undeveloped, and quite primitive it is subject to gross illusion and unconscious repetitive behaviors.  As it grows in breath and sensitivity, it becomes a perfect link between pure matter and pure spirit and gives meaning to matter and expression to spirit.”1 In other words, your behaviors evolve along with your level of consciousness. (Hopefully with knowledgeable COACHING and compassionate reflection). Also, in Egyptian mysticism the “terms for this septenary constitution of man, as found in the Kabbala: Cha - material body, Anch - vital force, Ka – the ethereal counterpart or astral body, Hati – animal soul, Bai – rational soul, Cherbi – spiritual soul, Ku – the divine spirit.2
There are many paths leading towards the goals of consciousness.  ‘All roads lead to Rome; the road to Rome is not Rome itself’. Spiritual Teachers and innovative Psychologists have worked to define the process responsible for the growth of consciousness. Subration is the soul’s voyage whereby engagement with the vacuity initiates the witness state generating the realization of boundlessness that defines the state of “I AM THAT” which is the Buddhafield. Restated, Subration occurs when ones’ awareness extends to identify some previously unknown new ground; identifies a new object of observation.  As this new ground, landscape is understood and integrated into your reality, this newly discovered object, landscape of awareness, then becomes the new expanded ground of awareness, your new subjective perspective. One has grown to include, subrate into a larger arena of habitation. And then the process begins to grow anew. Ones’ awareness expands beyond the old boundaries through a process of discovery, extension into the denser bodies of habitation by exploring the broader functions of the interaction of the physical-gross, emotional, mental, astral;-subtle and causal bodies. Integration into these expanded domains claims new territory and then the old objects of awareness become the new subject or ground of habitation.  As one continues, this process of Subration/growth/evolution begins again, new ground is discovered and awareness extends to identify new territory and the process is renewed. The theatre of our soul’s habitation is vast. The obscurations which keep our awareness from fully experiencing this grand spectrum are many, from daydreaming to the survival creation of pre-Egoic dissociated inner children to the habituation of old limitations of thought and action. The psyche/soul is much like a multi-staged rocket. As one becomes competent operating in the physical vehicle, we can then subrate into the astral vehicle and ultimately into the causal vehicle, subsequently inhabiting each successive domain. Universal awareness is just that; awareness of the Universe! For those who choose the path, it can be traversed - Enlightenment is obtainable!  The famous 16th Century prophet, Michel de Nostradamus predicted a thousand years of peace, “when the seventh millennium has come, in which man is transformed. It is to be a period where the two sides of the hemisphere meet, science and religion merge and a galactic community come into being.”3….
        Historically, this process has been defined as “The Great Work” or creating the Buddhafield. Thomas Berry defines The Great Work as a process whereby WE “carry out the transition from a period of human devastation of the Earth to a period when humans would be present to the planet in a mutually beneficial manner.”3 As we approach this epoch in our species evolution, many cultures’ myths and legends define our planet’s covenant. Some of these prophesies are:
        “The end of this century is the end of the magical seventh millennium, the last thousand years of our known history.    Astrologically, we are at the changeover point from the Age of the Pisces to the Age of the Aquarius.  This also marks the five hundred year psychic cycle, when there is supposedly a marked change of consciousness planet-wide.  The Celts believed that the veil between the world of man and the world of the spirit becomes very thin at certain seasons, in certain ages and epochs.  Celtic traditions mark this period as taking place every five hundred years.  Even the mythical Phoenix, which has a life of five hundred years, is due to re-appear in a mighty holocaust to rise again, reborn from its  ashes.”4
From the indigenous tribes, the Hopi Indian Prophecy speaks of the emergence of the fifth world.  The indigenous peoples of South America speak of the time when the condor and the eagle fly together.        
        “From the Diamond Sutra, we learn that Gautama the Buddha claimed that after each twenty-five centuries there comes a radical change of consciousness on Earth with an accompanying period of    intense chaos.  Buddha moves the wheel of Dharma once every two   thousand five hundred years.  The wheel that Buddha moved has  finally come to rest and his age dies.  The wheel must then be started again for the Dharma must be renewed.”5
        A subsequent task of this Great Work as seen by Enlightened Masters of our age is to create the Buddhafield, a group of enlightened beings who collectively create a morphogenetic transition.
        “J. Krishnamurti once said that it would take 10 awakened beings     working in consort; while Gurdjieff assessed the number of such  beings needed to change the world at 100.  Bhagwan Shree  Rajneesh, who has attempted to bring 10,000 disciples into his ow Buddhafield, agrees with Gurdjieff that the number needed to  detonate the evolutionary mega bomb is around 100.  And yet maybe, it is only one.”6
        Is the nature of this Buddhafield uniform? Ultimately, there is no separation of awareness in the Buddhafield. Only the ego based illusion of good or evil, right or wrong creates our perception of separation. “From the perspective of non-dual wisdom there is no important and unimportant.”7 As one grows or Subrates to inhabit this knowledge, one experiences that THERE is only the ONE, without a second. Truth must be experienced. Direct knowledge is not thinking.  Thinking and knowing are quite different.
        How do we as human beings connect to this formless field through the ABYSS? And beyond… The Dalai Lama states, that:   
        “Knowledge and understanding develop on the basis of a         consciousness that has the ability to perceive its objects.  When the  necessary conditions are met, its ability to perceive increases, the   scope of its objects of knowledge expands, and understanding deepens.  In this way the mind can develop its full potential.”8           And, “Through such a process, the mind’s true color, so to speak,   will  gradually dawn on the practitioner. When the mind is free from all kinds of thoughts and concepts, suddenly a form of vacuity will appear. If the meditator tries to gain familiarity with that vacuity, the clarity of the consciousness will naturally become more obvious.”9
        Saint Francis of Assisi once said, “What we are looking for is what is looking.” One of the clearest discourses of the states and stages one may grow through is found in MSI’s Ascension (1991), and further expounded on in his Enlightenment (1995). MSI refers to this vacuity as the Ascendant. Over time the meditator is taught to recognize THAT, and is taught to place more and more of one’s attention on the Ascendant.  This experience is sticky to the mind. One can learn to choose through experience to recognize and strengthen this level of awareness. Eventually, it will become a shadow presence; this is the hallmark of witnessing. Then it will become YOU and the boundaries begin to blur. And then, one learns this is the Truth, the Buddhafield, and The Universe. I am That! Christian scripture restates this truth in ‘I and my Father are ONE.’ This statement is not a euphemism; it is a re-statement of what ones’ conscious experience stabilizes into being.  Different spiritual traditions label this experience differently. Words only point the finger; the experience is the goal! 

Blessings Be,
Ashoka Aurora Ishaya


1)  Sri Nisargadatta Mararaj.  I AM THAT. Tran. Maurice Frydman.  Bombay: Chetana.  1973. Part I. P. 183.
2)  Schure, Edouard. THE GREAT INITIATES: A Study of the Secret History of Religions. (1961). New York: Rudolf Steiner Publications. P.511.
3)  Yatri. UNKNOWN MAN: The Mysterious Birth of a New Species. New York: Simon and Schuster. 1988. P. 243.
4)  Berry, Thomas. THE GREAT WORK: Our Way into the Future.  New York: Bell Tower.  1999. P. 3
5)  Yatri. (1988). Unknown Man: The Mysterious Birth of a New Species.  New York: Simon and Schuster. P.243.
6)  Ibid. P. 242.
7)  Yatri. (1988). P.232.
8)   Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. (1998) The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep. New York: Snow Lion Publication. P. 26.
9)  Dalai Lama. (2001). Stages of Meditation. New York: Snow Lion Publications. P. 3.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Teeth, Cheekbones and Skull Changes

Woke up today with my nose and cheekbones aching.  Know that the seams/sutures in my skull are expanding. It seems that this movement is moving other bones in my HEAD. Had a splitting headache last night along with my teeth aching !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and eyes burning and, and, and....

O and how they ache. Just the top row of teeth of my upper jaw. I didn't have my first cavity until I turned 18, so I know my teeth are good. All this pain in my head is due to more GROWTH!!! I keep focusing on this is GOOD GROWTH. Be grateful for the changes and let the pain flow through. Much easier said/wrote than the doing....

My ears have been ringing lately too. Worse this morning. I can no longer use my headphones. My Walkman days are over. Too much focused noise/sound gets my inner ears going, too much vibration sets up humming and ringing sounds in my consciousness. One more thing that doesn't serve anymore!

I have been oiling the seams of my skull sutures/seams. The scalp skin along my skull seams is very dry along them which causes more discomfort.

Caring for this body as it grows, changes and GREENS daily is a different and at times challenging part of my sadhana.

Greening and Growing and Gratitude....

Onward and Upward....
Ashoka Aurora Ishaya

This Land is Made for You and Me….Is this Land Immortal Land?????

This Land is Made for You and Me….Is this Land Immortal Land?????
As consciousness evolves so to must our civilization!!! Nikolai Kardashev, a Russian astronomer classified civilizations into three levels: Type I, Type II and Type III.  The key characteristic separating each type of civilization is the amount of energy they consume and the source of their energy. The difference in energy consumption between each type of civilization is roughly ten billion times the previous level (greater than) and he states can be “bridged” in relatively short periods of time…once the engine of subtle energy is engaged, understood and utilized by society. Kardashev describes the first level of progress as Type I civilizations. Their defining characteristic is that they will have harnessed the powers of nature and draw their energy from the planet itself! Using ocean, wind, and deep-earth technologies, they will have transcended the limitations of fossil fuels, as well as the risks and dangers of nuclear-powered economies. The vast supplies of energy available to a Type I civilization eliminate the need for competition and WAR over limited fuel sources. At the same time, their technology makes the energy for the basic necessities of life widely available to larger numbers of people. [In The Rocky Mountain Institute’s recent book, Winning the Oil Endgame, Lovins, Datta and Bustners addresses how this evolution may take place.]
        Type II civilizations are characterized by their ability to reach beyond their immediate planet and draw their energy from the nearest sun. Having achieved lengthy life spans, the energy requirements of Type II civilizations will eventually force them to look beyond their planet for new and limitless supplies of energy. Harnessing the energy of their sun will involve technologies more sophisticated than passively collecting the sun’s rays in ways we do today.
        The most sophisticated advances described in Kardashev’s classification scheme are those of the Type III civilizations. Having advanced beyond the kind of energy harnessed by their local sun, a type III civilization will expand its search for energy to other stars, and perhaps even tap the fabric of the galaxy itself as it expands into a galactic civilization.  Both life and civilization would be immortal, having outgrown the limitations of “natural” deterioration and the possibility that “chance” phenomena could destroy them.
        Kardashev further states that each successive civilization Type II and Type III is more sophisticated than the previous. The crucical point to understand is in the beginning of the 21st Century, we are classified as a Type 0 (ZERO) civilization!!! Our present level of civilization still relies on limited supplies of fossil fuels, whose use only threatens our environment. This creates competition for ownership of our world’s fuels and separation into the “haves” and the “have-nots.” Also, it defines our consciousness by the inability to pool our collective knowledge into wisdom that benefits the species as a WHOLE!” (Paraphrased from Gregg Braden’s God Code – 2004).
        For those dedicated to the goal of evolving civilization, i.e. establishing immortality, households will need to be established.  It is in the sharing that the resonance is INCREASED. Also, Alfie Kohn’s research (No Contest the Case Against Competition) revealed “The amount of competition in any environment, the classroom, the workplace, the family, the playing field, is NONE…Competition is always destructive.” (Noetic Sciences Review, spring 1990)  Those interested in establishing a household (own a home) or interested in joining an existing household please connect/NETWORK THROUGH MY FACEBOOK PAGE ASHOKA ISHAYA.
Living in close knit units, crucibles of consciousness requires a conscious choice of dedication to a greater goal which serves more than personal needs. Ideally, each pod should consist of Six Couples, Six Men and Six Women. Twelve is an important configuration in our culture, there are twelve months in our calendar year, there are twelve Astrological signs in the Zodiac and in Pythagorean number science it is the number of governmental completion. Ultimately, Enlightened Society evolves beyond the need for governance. WHY??? BECAUSE WE HAVE GROWN TO LEARN HOW TO LIVE WITH EACH OTHER PEACABLY!!!!

Monday, January 3, 2011

The O Soma Drop Phenomenon and Other Physiological Changes

I have been practicing an Advaita Vedanta Lineage Teaching: Ascension now for seventeen years. And, it has afforded me the framework and skills to resolve many obscurations of consciousness. The samskaras in my awareness were caused by many events primarily a very violent and distorted childhood. As I have climbed through the labyrinth of the fulcrums of awareness these mental, emotional and physical formations have healed and wholed.

In the last 3 years I have been experiencing some incredible physiological changes. In the summer of 2008 I began to experience what felt like someone actually driving a nail into the top of my skull. Depending on how many hours I spent in meditation it would feel more intense or less. Needless to say I was not able to Ascend the hours I had been dedicating to my mindfulness practice after this pain began.

Well, 24 months or so ago the first really BIG pain that started to hurt was the pain of my SKULL. At first it started to fell like a pressure baring down on the top of my skull, coming from within and on top. Then it grew into feeling like someone was drilling a hole in the top of my HEAD. And, I do mean that literally. It hurts worse some days more than others [IHWSDMTO] These days the seams/sutures in my skull really ache!!!!!!!!!! and oozzz gunk. Keeping the heat of this process manageable has been my daily sadhana. Toxic heat is not a desirable endpoint.Second worse pain is my THYMUS. O MY O MY, it is rough. Aches constantly and really hurts more intensely after I do yoga!!!! I massage/rube it lots! It feels like it has ballooned a bit above my breasts. I had a massage therapist feel it and she said it felt bigger on me than what she normally feels on most folks. It is very tender to the touch. And the glands in my neck, too.

At the beginning of this summer 2010, back in May I started to wake up with my tongue curled in my mouth. And, I thought O NO what is going on NOW??? My Acupuncturist and herbologist, Justin Pomeroy: Life Gate Center in Chicago just simply stated matter-of-factly that, "O that is Kechari Mudra." Like I knew what that was all about. Lately seems like Changes have been taking place daily; I get what I need as this process has unfolded. Most mornings I wake up with my tongue curled in my mouth, not an everyday process. It doesn't result in pain, just a bit different. Something more to get used to...

My eyes and ears go through changes daily....some days it is not a great experience to ride the elevator in my building. They pop and cause pressure when I go up and down floors. My eyes are dilated most of the time. I wear sunglasses so folks won't think I am doing street drugs! I see lots of colors... alot, getting used to the expanded spectrum. At first it was very disorienting.

Don't get me wrong, there is much gratitude in the knowing that my body is undergoing these changes. But, let me tell you this past year I have been white knuckling it at times!!!!
I work to stay in flow less and less personal desire mixed in. Sometimes I HAVE to stop and do pranayama, or go for a swim to cool off. It would be great to stabilize into a daily pattern, but dealing with this pain drives me...And, some days when I read for too long my eyes will burn.... alot. To the point that I put steeped Peppermint Tea Bags on them = cooling Taoist method, Ancient Chinese Secret :)))) Peppermint is a cooling herb and my eyes so appreciate knowing that!

And then there are days, that the drip will flow and I don't feel the pain of it all. Those are nice times.... wonder why one needs to live on morphine????

Course the cold doesn't bother me so much ...the heat of this process keeps me warm. I still wear a coat, more cotton layers than anything heavy to keep the wind chill from heating me up to much....and my hands and feet feel the bitterness, but I am more hot and sweaty more and more.  Hot flashes for women are naturally designed to jump start this process...and are a result of the alchemical changes in the reproductive system.

And my OVARIES are a constant giver of change....I have had some pretty painful menses in my life, but let me tell you there are days that this process tops anything I felt back then!!!! [IHWSDMTO]

If I presented to an M.D. with all these hurts and pains I am certain they would start to cut organs out of me. Which makes me wonder how many other folks may be experiencing some of these pains with that end result?????? 
Also, these days my adrenals ache really bad. These are the Glands on top of the kidneys in the back.
And, My breasts feel like they are lactating. They are definitely much more alive these days. [IHWSDMTO].

Most recently the "brain burn" and "sticky eye" causes lots of gunk to seep out of my eyes, ears and nose as well.... I have been informed again by Justin Pomeroy this is  due to the opening of the subtle energetic orifices and the subsequent purification of the meridians/energetic channels associated with the 10 gates in Chinese Medicine; Two eyes =2, Two ears=4, nostrils=6, mouth=7,  anal and urine disposal orifices =9 and lastly the orifice/hole in the top of the skull ....BRAHMARANDHRA HOLE!

I am not vegetarian. I follow a more Taoist eating program aimed at balancing my alchemical process. I must admit I did have to give up Fried Chicken, completely. Chicken is a food that adds heat to the system and fried anything is even worse!!! Being from the South (Louisiana) it was difficult. All that soul food and love of cayenne pepper just ain't good for my soul anymore. And Fried Chicken was a Sunday Dinner Staple and one of my favorite comfort foods. I used to think if you didn't sweat when you ate dinner it wasn't good food...the hotter the better. And, now it is me that is sweating and my foods are cooling.

It is a product of the stage of awareness I have developed. I call it the morphine drip as a slang term, because it is a morphine derivative = dimethyltryptamine (DMT) and much more. Read or heard of the book Spirit Molecule? By Rick Strassman? He has a movie out these days as well...

The Sacred Drop is not necessarily the desired response of consciousness. It is caused by the overflow of the production of chemicals in my brain due to the years of my sadhana. Optimally, one needs/works to keep the chemicals circulating in the blood stream, so they can continue to drive this immortal process and offer pain relief as well. That takes yoga and other physical and breath practices/pranayama to maintain.

For me in this moment, the O Soma Drop is not a 24/7 occurrence.  It happens after I do something that really activates my Bliss Response!!! I can sit and listen to a favorite Opera Aria or Clair de Lune does it for me....Beauty and Appreciation creates drip after drip. ... OR After I do a vigorous exercise routine. I have to keep working to titrate the reaction. TOOOO much causes problems. Lots of colors and seeing into realms. Working to live and work, doing my daily sadhana has been an upward climb. And, then there is the absolute BEAUTY of the BLISS that I experience...less or more as my emotions flow through....

It is not that I don't experience downward spirally emotions anymore, the survival mechanism can still kick in. It is just not optimal. Feeling the dopamine and cortisol fight or flight chemical flux causes a rough patch in my awareness and takes time to filter through my body/world. I have recently let go of caffeine. I was never a coffee drinker; my caffeine kick was Wild Cherry Pepsi.  One more thing to give up. Feeling the sugar rush and caffeine edginess after a 20oz curl was just causing scatter and dulling my experience of THE ALL. And, when you have the experience of the Ideal Banana, everything dulls in comparison.

Ultimately, This Bliss Chemical production is an addictive response. And, it has been a roller-coaster ride to condition and survive this ultimate and most Sacred Addiction.

Walking ON....Sunshine,
Ashoka Ishaya.